When I go to add a printer to my Ubuntu Linux system, it shows a “CUPS” generic printer, but not the actual LAN printer we have on our network. What’s up and how do I add our printer to the system?
When I go to add a printer to my Ubuntu Linux system, it shows a “CUPS” generic printer, but not the actual LAN printer we have on our network. What’s up and how do I add our printer to the system?
I’ve been dabbling with Ubuntu Linux and so far it’s going well, but I’m wondering, how do I add new app icons to my Taskbar so I can customize it for my liking? Thanks.
I noticed the other day that one of the Ubuntu Linux systems in our IT center changes theme at sunset and that the background wallpaper changes, not just the window colors. Nice. How can I do that on my own computer?
My colleague was showing me something on his Linux system and I couldn’t help but notice that instead of having all the running app icons on the left bar, he has a floating dock along the bottom, just like a Mac system. Nice. I want! How do I set up my Ubuntu Linux system to have this style of dock?
I’ve been using a point-and-click interface for so long that I constantly make awkward mistakes at the command line. The result is a lot of beeps. Which I don’t like! How can I change them or disable them entirely in Ubuntu Linux?
I have an account on my friend’s Ubuntu Linux system which is great, but the account icon at login is just my initials. Boring. How can I assign a photo or picture to my account photo?
I use Linux and Firefox as my main browser. It works well, but I’m not a fan of Google and it’s frustrating that the default search engine in Firefox is Google! How can I change it to something like DuckDuckGo?
I’m a bit confused about my new Linux computer showing time in 24-hour format. I don’t think in “1700 hours” notation, however, I think in “am/pm” notation. How can I switch how my Ubuntu Linux system shows the current time?