My cousin told me that I should turn on automatic updates in Wordpress and I’m ready to do so, but can’t quite figure out all the steps. Can you walk me through the process, please?
My cousin told me that I should turn on automatic updates in Wordpress and I’m ready to do so, but can’t quite figure out all the steps. Can you walk me through the process, please?
I have a Website that I run based on Wordpress and it works fine, but when I log in, it shows that I have a number of things needing update. I’m afraid to update my Wordpress and plugins because I don’t want to break the site. How can I safely update what needs updating?
I’m just starting out with a review site in WordPress and heard back from a friend that my images are too big in my posts and that they should link to the products too. How do I fix all that up in WordPress?
I’ve been setting up a WordPress site and want to add a few plug-ins beyond what the hosting company automatically includes. How do I find and install a new plug-in on my WordPress site?
I work with an advertising network and have been having some problems with ad fulfillment. Today their admin said I needed to be “clearing the cache” after each change was made. How do I clear the cache on my WordPress blog?
I write about the fashion business on my WordPress blog and then share my posts on social media. If I want to include links to specific photographs, is there a way to get the actual permanent link to the image, or am I stuck with the cached image URLs?
I’m fed up with Facebook and its approach to privacy (which is not to grant us any). I’m bailing. But I want to copy all my posts to a backup location for reference. Is there any way to copy them to Google Drive?
I’ve launched my new WordPress blog and am shocked at the bad language of people who are leaving comments. Not everyone, but a couple of people. I hate it. Can I filter out or edit their obscene comments?
I manage a WordPress site with a number of contributors so I’m always looking at the All Posts view to balance posting schedules. And that view is ugly, with lots of empty, unused columns of data. Is there a way to customize All Posts view to clean things up?
Dave, my WordPress site is acting a little wonky, so I updated some plugins and now I’m seeing the message “One or more plugins have been activated or deactivated” with a button to “empty the page cache”. My hunch tells me I should empty the cache … any thoughts?