How do you make good amounts of money on the game “Runescape”, I’ve been playing it so long but I make like barely any money on it.
I have to admit, I don’t know much about RuneScape, but I do know that it’s a tremendously popular MMORPG (that is, massively multiplayer online role-playing game) with more than four million active players. That’s equal to the population of some small nations!
According to a nice backgrounder piece on Wikipedia, RuneScape is set in a medieval fantasy world, similar to “Guild Wars” or “EverQuest”, where players control character representations of themselves. As with most massive multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPG), there is no overall objective or end to the game. Players explore, form alliances, earn gold coins, perform optional tasks, and complete quests for rewards and to build character’s skills.
A typical screen in RuneScape
During peak hours, it is common to see around 170,000 players online across the 115 international servers in 5 countries, with a peak in excess of 185,000 simultaneous logged-in players reached in early February 2006. Up to 2,000 players may be on one server at once, allowing a maximum of 230,000 online players at any one time. These servers are called “worlds” in RuneScape. These servers are located in the United States (79), the United Kingdom (18), Canada (6), the Netherlands (6) and Australia (6), making it the most popular online Java based game in the world. RuneScape is updated with roughly 4 main updates a month – creating updates on a weekly basis, with the addition of new skills, quests, areas of the map, items, or other details added to the imaginary world.
Very impressive, but let’s talk about how you can make money as a RuneScape character, since you already know the game pretty well, right?
According to some RuneScape experts, there are basically eight ways you can make money in the game:
- Thieving
- High alchemizing
- Mining
- Smithing
- Merchanting
- Dragon & giant slaying
- Fishing and RuneCrafting
Any of those sound appealing? 🙂
In terms of some specifics, this player suggests that thieves should do their best to pickpocket guards, especially if you’re at least a level 50 player. If you’d rather not mug guards, you can become at least a level 40 miner and sell coal that you’ve mined to the bank for a good profit.
Merchanting is what sounds most appealing to me (but I’m a business guy / capitalist!) and as a merchant, always haggle to get the best price on any goods you buy. Seems like good advice, doesn’t it?
If you want to just read a pretty random collection of money-making tips, check out Sal’s Money-Making Tips on the same site. There’s some humor in there too, with advice like “steal enough fur til you get enough fur.” Um, okay. An easier-to-read tips page can also be found on the Nexodyne Forums.
Another site well worth reading is RuneHQ, specifically its interesting Guide to Money Making. You’re definitely not alone in your quest!
Generally a Google search for Make Money Runescape produces over 800,000 matches, so there’s plenty of reading available for the avid player.
Hope that helps you out. Good luck moving up in levels and slaying those dragons!
hey all 🙂
Right , ive read all comments nd thanks for advices, but id like ta know if anyone can tell on merching or flipping… id be grateful if one replies …
hi plz tell me how to make lots of money for non members on runescape plz add joel graham2 on runescape thx
can someone tell me how to make 1m per day as free user. or give me 10m my name is theswampfire add me plz
hey im giddaffi and in runescape i and a multi trillionaire the way i make money is go to the wildy near ice giants and there is a hidden door and go in then there is a green trapdoor and go in then there is a dark cave go in and there lives a monster kill it and it drops 1k santa hats sell the and ur a trillarir (OH YES YOU NEED TO BE LVL 200 TO KILL IT AND CAN ONLY DIE BY STABBING IT WITH RUNE SCIMMY) GOOD LUK
im need money s0l0_s0lja plz igot good money way but iim weak u need 80+ combact go and kil coackroches they drop them stupid sci,z called runes scim or 40+ go and kill then hilly gaint make about 500k a hour
hey guys a good way of making money is getting 70 range and going to the god wars dungeon and killing avanies, the equipment you should take are
*saradomin item*
*bandos item*
*zamorak item*
*armadyl item*
rock climbing boots
good bolts
ranging armour
bones to peaches tabs
fire staff/fire runes and nautre runes for alching the rune daggers
:tele to trollheim: (not required)
the equipment i use is zammy coif, sara vambraces, black d’hide body and legs, avas accumulator, broad tip bolts, rune c’bow and tokz-ket-zil shield.
how do you get there?
there are 2 ways to get there
1) troll heim tele and then climb down the mountain
2) buy a games necklace and tele to burthrope, then go onto your map and find the godwars dungeon in the snow, now run all the way there.
now that your there kill all the avansies and collect all the addy bars, runes, effigies and herbs if you want, also alch all the rune daggers/rune limbs you get as they take up space and give you good alching money aswell.
feel free to add me and i can tell you more good money making methods aswell as this one
mage of men9 😀
Kill Green Dragons! It’s teh best way to make monies
Okay , the easiest thing to do now , is kill green dragons 6-8k for 1 dragon bones take you 20sec to kill it , and remember have varrock teleport with you , some okay armour and at least stand at lvl 20 or less cause you can’t tele if you are at lvl 21… if someone ice barrage you , then you’re screwed up 🙂 easiest way to get money i’ll say.
oh and since most of these websites fail at giving actual info on good guides i think il make my own website but i need someones help idk how to make one but if anyone doubts im good at the game fight me and unless ur lv 115 or higher u wont win lol and im lv 101 but ya just messege me on rs stop scremin and il hoook u up with some tips on the game
omg im sorry to tell u all this but nooo all ur money making things fail ok lol ive made 50mil a day off some of the things i do but for noobs like lv 50 to 70 i recomend flesh crawlers its how i made 25mill in a couple days at that lv with just good combat skillz if u guys want the real best ways of making money and easy add my acc stop scremin or my other acc why so sad11 ok and il show u why i am very good at this game peace
ok here is an awesom way to make money on rs
required 85 dungeoneering
go to frost dragon dungeon in asgarnian
kill frost dragonz there pick up bones
this method is 2m/h
I’m goin to tell u how to hack jungle if u don’t know what it is.
what u need: machete, spade, a bit of food, 2k-10k trading sticks depending on how long u staying there, 10-20k cash, pickaxe and a few antipoisons.
Hack jungle in tai bwo wannai (need to do jungle potion quest).if a broodoo apears if it green then use antipoison on it and if white then use food on it.
u can buy antipoisons and meat from the store above.
get their masks and kill snakes and spiders that pop out too and get their skins and hides.
if u see gem rock mine it and if u see got tober use spade on it because it’s worth 120k. take proboscis from mosquito swarm if they pop out too. talk to rionasta to bank your stuff for you=i made 2.5m in 2days.and 14m in 1 week!!
see this works rocking!!
1.go to varrock with 10 gold coins in inventory[u could also bring more coins] 10 tinderboxes [if u have more coins buy buckets]
3.go to G.E[grand exchange] talk to the clerk and put all the tinderboxes and buckets[filled with water]
4. after this workes ull get 1000+ coins this trick workes fast
so nice and 1 more thing the tinderboxes sell for 100 each and buckets 40 so be happy with 1000+ gold coins
my players names are 555yyy666uuu but add
wish under
cause i cant talk in 555yyy666uuu
bye il be back next time bye :]
there is tons of good ways to make mony in rs
mine rune ess adter completed rune mysteries
its sells for 50-75gp each. thats not alot but it mines very fast and theres a bank just a few steps away from the mine
telegrab wine of zamorak its worth 1.9k each in the grand exchange casting telegrab costs 300gp each (because of the runes needed) so u make 1.6k profit. merchanting is always a good way to make money buy items lower than market price and sell higher than market price. mine runite in the wilderness is a very good way to make money (85 mining required)bring green dragonhide armor food explorer ring and a cape + rune pickaxe run to the mine north of the lava maze and you will see 2 rune rocks. eat or drop one of ur food items to make space for the ore. keep swithching worlds cuz the ore takes a long time to spwan. if you get attcked by revenant on ur way back activate protect from magic and run back to wilderness volcano and bank r ores there. runite ore is like 14k each on ge so a full inventory will be 400k
fishing fish crayfish in lumbridge and bank 150k/hour. fish lobsters or swordfish on karamja and note them at stiles the little man south of the volcano so you dont have to run to the draynor bank with each full inventory so there are still tons of more ways to make mony on rs for members and non-memebers and i cant list them all here many rsfansites have guides to make money and if u want to see all the ways u can go there. two of the sites are and and many others bye cya
the arefewgood ways to getmoney on runescape but mine pure rune essence an get about 1000 then sell them for 140k 10000 is 1.4 mill!! i got full zammy of of this. and another good way is to get ur farming up to lvl 35 then go to g.e and buy ranar seeds. then plant. 20 of them is 140k!!!!!!!! happy money makeing!!!!!!!!
hey could anyone make money and train on one of my runescape accounts? if u can email me at
lol i everybody says go to green drags for money and best way to make moeny at greens is with a cannon becase now d’bones are worth up to 6k each! with d’hide up to 3k each! so now this is more effective than ever!!!! or you can smith cannonballs or merch black scims they rise to 10-11k or air tallies from 1k to 11k! 11x profit =spend 1m on it=gain 10m!!! also now instead of pk on every world its gone but now there are revenants! ouch! a few types are the strongest in all of rs!for f2p especially revenant knights/dragons! lvl 126+!!! u need 43 pray+ if you want to survive and remember if you die dont worry sell some stuff buy a hatchet and cut oaks for some weak armour for more drag for better armour for well u get the point 😛 hope this helped! ~R.S.MoneyGod~
ok this is a easy but slow way buy 1k steel bars from ge (will cost 900k)smelt them into cannon balls(quest required and so is ammo mould) then you should have 4000 cannonballs wich will sell for 1450k then you spend 900k on steel bars again leaving you with 550k profit i do 10k steel bars a day (6hours) and end up with 6m plus 10k steel bars again
i need some help my acc just got disable can some one plz tell me how to able it is a lvl 10 pure prayer with 59 prayer and 95 wc (members)
Right, I’m level 82 member in Runescape. I have found some very easy ways to make money for all different level players:
1.) This first step requires around 20 combat. Head down Edgeville Dungeon and to the Chaos Druids. Kill them and a full inventory of their herb drops total to around 60-85k. I make like 500k an hour of this.
2.) This requires around 40 combat. Head to the Unicorns and Black Unicorns near to Seer’s Village. Kill them and their Unicorns sell for around 2k each. They are only level 27s but remember: THE FOALS DO NOT DROP HORNS!
3.) This requires high level combat players. Most people prefer to kill Green Dragons (78 combat) which means their always crowded, so I kill Blue Dragons, in Tavelry Dungeon (111 combat). They drop Dragon Bones(5k each) and Blue DragonHide (2k each). You will need a Dusty Key or 70 agility to get to the Dragons. Note: THERE IS SAFE SPOTS TO RANGE AND MAGE BUT BEWARE OF ATTACKING BABY DRAGONS, THEY DO COME NEAR THE SAFE SPOTS!
From these methods I have got all this:
~Abyssal Whip (Over 3m)
~Robin Hood Hat (Over 3m)
~Royal Crown (Over 3-4m)
~Gnome Scarf (Over 2m)
~Dragon Platebody (24mish)
~Dragon Plateskirt (200k)
~Gilded Platebody (2m)
~Ranger Boots (Not too sure…Over 20m)
~Dragon Boots (400k)
~Dragon 2h Sword (Over 1m)
~A 75million house
I am a very rich Runescape player from my methods.
the best way to make money on runescape is to mine runite ore in the wilderness or dwarfern mines runite ore sell for 15K+ each on the grand exchange
hi im a member and i have around 13m right now and i really want to buy a dragon armor set and i am looking to make around 1m an hour? or close to tht thnx
The best way I find is for lvl 33 mages is to telekinetic grab wine of Zâmôrâk
The weird font is for my entertainment
hi guys its Magic Uzer20 again
i made a mistake in my last comment
u actually need lvl 40 mining/smithing yo mine and smelt gold sorry about that
well anyway i gotta go an’ play runescape to mine and smelt some more bronze.
i play up to 3 hours every day except sunday
so see ya
oh and if u want to make more than just 300K and u have high mining and smithing u can jus go to other mines that have ores like gold (lvl 30 mining/smithing), mithil (lvl 55 mining/smithing)
adamant (lvl 75 mining/smithing) and rune (lvl 85 mining/smithing) i’m gonna try to make 3M so i can buy rune full (g) and lots of other stuff that i’m gonna put in my bank i’m a lvl 52 right now an’ i’m gonna mine and smelt 2000 bronze bars.
well it depends on how much i can sell the bars for at the grand exchange well if on the day that i’m gonna try to sell the bars the price is gonna be low then i’ll just wait for a day wheni can sell each bar for at least 800-1000 coins.
anyway i hope i will make lots of money this way an’ i hope u guys who read this will too!!
well before i thought of this way to make money i used to always kill goblins in lumbridge then take an’ sell their stuff. i bet u can guess that that didnt give me a lot of money. well it gave me just enough to buy adamant full.
well when my mining an’ smithing levels increase i’m gonna mine gold an’ smelt it and sell the bars
i think my minig level is like 26 right now an’ my smithing 9. i no its low but i’m training it
when i can mine and smelt gold i’m gonna try to make about 20M. well see ya because i gotta logon to runescape an’ mine and smelt some more bronze bars so see ya.
Magic Uzer20
Hey guys! I know i good way to make money on runescape:
What u need: pickaxe, level 1 mining,level 1 smithing, armor, empty inventory
1. go to the copper/tin mine near the lumbridge swamp (look on the map if u dont know where is is).
2. do the mining (fill half ur inventory with copper ore , the other half with tin ore.
3. when ur inventory is filled with ores go the the furnace in lumbridge (it’s near the general store)
4. click on smelt furnace and then click on bronze.
5. repeat step 4 until u have run out of ore and ur inventory is filled with bronze bars.
6. go to a bank and deposit all the bronze bars (there is a bank on the 3rd floor of lumbridge castle).
7. repeat steps 1-6 until u have about 1000 bronze bars in ur bank.
8. in the bank click on the switch to note withdrawal button.
9. withdraw all the bronze bars and go to the grand exchange (if u can teleport to varrock that’s great, if u can’t then just walk there, it’s not too far away from lumbridge.
10. talk to the grand exchange clerk and select access the grand exchange.
11. click on sell and the click on offer X bronze bar in ur inventory , then type in how many bronze bars u have (1000), now press enter on ur keyboard.
12. then in the window thats open click confirm offer.
13. it might take a while to sell all the bronze bars but in the end u will have about 300K coins.
(each bar is about 300 coins but it could change)
this is a great way to earn lots of money for low levels because it doesn’t need high skills.
enjoy ur 300K coins!!!!!
Magic Uzer20 (that’s my username on RuneScape)
lolololol race here how to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$
u can either go to ge (grand exchange) and buy a brass keyy note:if under lvl 38 bring food go directly west of ge and go in the house go down the ladder in house then fight hill giants collect their bones and sell repeat,ohh and limps r good gp 2. or just train wc to 25 cut oaks and sell till lvl 40 then cut willows and drop to lvl 65 then cut yews and sell 4 lots of $$$$$$
i found a good way to make cash all you need is a chef hat and an apron (i dont remember areas well XD)well at the docks theres some food shop wiht a storage room then you put on an apron and hat to ge tinto the storage room theres a box with raw chicken fill your inventory you could go cook it but you can gainalot of cash by selling it raw and also does anyone know how to change your name on my runescape account i meant to put grave danger instead i put gave danger XD well if you want to add me
So…My ways of making cash are very easy and hardly need any skillage! My name is Cheley Dance and these are the steps:
1)Get 32 cooking and head down to the cook’s guild. In the cook’s guild 3 cooking apples appear, pretty quickly. 2 on the second floor 1 on the third. A full inventory of cooking apples equals to 22-23k. Easy cash and fast but do it on empty worlds were no one is taking the apples.
2) Merchanting.I have a great item that i merch. Law runes. There so cheap! All you need is 3.7k to start! You can buy over 20 law runes for 3.7k and sell them for like 6.5k! They may take a while to sell in the Grand Exchange but just be patient! You’ll never get anywhere without pacience!
I’ve made 2million from the first step(200-300k an hour!) and from the second tip like 70million! My name is Cheley Dance and I’m over level 78, but I wear a white party hat and I’m a non member! I am rich because of my steps, so follow these and your sure to become like me. Becoming member soon, and going to wear full Dragon armor, going to look amazing!Thanks for reading my comment! =)
fight greater demons make sure u hav full tuna then u go to 24 wildy and find the banker there is a cave near here this is where u fight them uthey have great drops i make very good xp actully i went from 56 str to 59 in 2 days and make actually at least 1k or more
I’ve been playing runescape for a few years, and these are some of the best method’s i’ve come across. Although some of these have high requirements, it is well worth getting the stats needed.
Members: Summers pie
95 cook is needed here. And off course your’re going to be making summer’s pie ;). This rakes in a whopping 1m per hour!
The ingredients; a strawberry, watermelon, and cooking apple to add to the pie shell.
Start by adding the strawberry to the pie shell. Follow by adding the watermelon, then the apple. Fourteen raw summer pies can be made at a time in three steps. Use caution and avoid left clicking the strawberry as it, unlike the other two fruits, has a left click eat option.
Free to Play: Making Pie shells
This is another pie involving method.
I recommend having at least 900k to start this method.
Okay first go to Ge and buy 1,000 pastry dough.
Then you should buy 1,000 Meat pies or Pie dishes. I recommend buying Pie dishes. But since this method caught on fire by the sheer number of people using it, they don’t sell very quickly anymore. But, 1k meat pie’s also work just as good.
Now, the method. 🙂
1. Go to the duel arena bank.
2. If you bought the meat pie listen to this step, if you got the pie dish, skip ahead.
Okay from the Meat pies, you just want the pie dish. Take out as many meat pies as you can hold, and just eat them. Keep eating until your 1000 meat pies turn into 1000 pie dishes.
3. Time to make the shells. Get 14 pie dishes and 14 pastry dough from your bank. use a pastry Dough with a pie dish. Right click and select “Make all”. Once they all turn into shells, bank and start again.
This method, while done properly, can make up to 700K/h and Over! ps- i like pie.
Runescape name – Pinksanrio
Add me for any queries.
OMG jus get woodcutting to 60 and cut yew trees until you have 2k logs…you can sell them at the GE for 1 mill…when you get to 75 jus cut magic trees until you have 1k and sell them at GE for 1.4 mill…im makin money like nothin and 1 week ago i couldnt buy a rune axe…i have d axe and full dragon now…contact me at boomugoosu ty
I know of a few ways to make alot of money. As in the past i was a millionaire ok here are some very good tips.
Right first Members section:
Smithing cannonballs is always a good way to make a profit but it can take sometime. but you’re looking at anything from 100 – 500k profit with 1k+ steel bars depending on the g/e stock price.
There is also crafting which is what im doing at the moment. I make about 4M a day its simple you can pick flax or buy it. I buy mine its quicker.
24k flax will cost you about 2.4m and when you’re done making it you will profit at about 4.8 – 6m this could take you anything between 10 – 24 hours depending on how active you are. But its also very good for a low level.
There is also collecting swamp tar ( Behind lumbridge castle in the swamps ) it is stackable so you dont have to bank it. Within an hour you will make 200 – 300k which is good for level 3’s
also 62 fishing will get you alot of money if you can manage to do the swan song quest. It aint overally that hard but it takes a bit of preparation to do. Go to for a guide on how to complete it.
Ok here is a free section which members can do too
There is woodcutting, mining, fishing and runecrafting
Woodcutting is a popular way of money making in runescape as it is particularly quick and easy as you dont have to stand and watch. You’re best bet is to not cut willows to make money because they dont normally sell. Regular oak and yews are great money makers ( Especially yews) if you’re members you will make more money on maples which is located in seers village.
Now there is fishing. You can always fish lobsters which are at Kharamaja island you will need 30 gp to get there and 30 gp to get back. Which aint that hard because you can just collect banana’s on the island and stack them in a crate for the local fruit business man located by the boat. But for a quicker way you should just bring 60gp with you on each trip. you could fly fish at barbarian village for quicker leveling. but you need feathers and a fly fishing rod for this. although a bank is located just north of the fishing spot it doesn’t neccessarily mean it is better cash.
there is mining which a great way to get money is iron / coal. Iron is alot quicker but coal is worth more. Or you can mine gold / mithril takes alot longer. You could easily make around 300k an hour with mining iron / coal with a rune pickaxe. or you could mine rune essence as far as i know it is the quickest thing to mine in the entire realm of runescape.
Runecrafting is always a good way to make money or runes for pk’in / alching. in the free world you can make runes air,body,water,fire and earth on members you can make all types of runes including natures, laws, deaths, soul’s and blood runes! on runescape you can make around 1m+ with nature runes which is incredible!
here are some good tips for making amazing amounts of cash without having to skill. you will need items though i would recommend
Rune scimitar , runes , arrows or staff
Armour ( Atleast adamant) preferred rune
food ( Lobsters )
strength potion
and teleport runes incase you’re in a sticky situation and you dont have money to spare.
what you need to do here is pk which is very common in runescape. If you die you will lose al items if skulled unless on a +1 item in which case you will keep 1 item. if you are not skulled on pvp worlds you will keep 3 items. You will become skulled if you attack another player first but if you are attacked you will not be skulled. in these worlds you must watch out for clans and pures.
i have been playing runescape for about 7 years i know its sad but thats just how things are. I get bored. if you would like any further information or anything else add me im Sniffin Butt im not joking that is my name. My last account was Mageman50060 and i had 460M but it has been banned. so stick with Sniffin Butt that’s one space 🙂
First of all ranging is a very good way to make money. You can go to god wars dungeon and stay there forever at aviansies
because you just take bones to peaches tabs…Or…you could just range green/blue dragons.If you would like to try to get something worth over 30m then listen carefully:To get a Draconic Visage it is reccommended to kill black,iron or steel dragons…However…this can take months or maybe a few friend got it in 5 kills however don’t think you will. You could kill over 10,000 and not get one.
F2P:combat levels 3-10 should kill chickens and collect bones i’ll tell you why not cows. At 10 combat go sell your bones and buy some armour/weapons.Now move on to cows.Do cows until 30 combat(can be lower if you are a range pure).Now go to the Grand Exchange and buy a brass key. Brass keys are cheap so don’t worry.NOW go to hill giants and collect big bonews and limpquirt roots(i forgot the name).
okay, okay.. making money is easy..
Members: do hunter, 1 – 40 is slow but 41+ is really fast, when you hit 99 you should make at least 120m+
also you can fish (catherby) 80m+ (99)
Free to play: step one, get members
step two, follow above comments..
the richest free to play i have seen had 4m, and has never been a member
add me in runescape?
(i wuv teddys) i dont reply i have a full friends list
good luck (members is $5.95 not very expensive)
well a rlly good way to make money right now is if u r a mem then go to the wildy and kill black unicorns. their horns sell for 3.3k a piece! ive made 15mill in just 3 days!!! the black unicorns are only lvl 27 too!!!! good luck! =)
i need heeps of ca$h for crafting and i need to make like 200-400k an hour so pm me to “Fishstik4eva” ty
Here are two good ways. I am a level 79 non member and make about 2 mil a week. sometimes more. First, Cut Yew trees and get the logs until you have about 250-300 logs. Sell those and u should get about 250k. Then, buy 1000-1500 cowhides, then go to Al-khared, and get them all tanned to dark cowhide. Sell all of them and you will get about 50k more than you had before you bought the hides. Good luck!
Alrite aha if you need help or anything let me know, but im like an all around kind of person when it comes to skills. Im level 74 i think in combat. I have 76 wc, 60 farm, 70 mining, 44 smithing, 67 fishing, 55 cooking. So basically im all over and if you want to know how to make money well, trust me in the long run mining is really helpful. Especially when you want to train your smithing and already have a decent level. Right now i have like 1.8k of steel bars in my bank its worth around… 1.7 mill.
My username is withyoubabe7 I am a f2p always on world 95 the best moneymaker is mining and smithing up to 30 and just mine coal and iron and smith into steel bars which are worth 1k ea. If u want to work for me add me ill pay u.
alright all of u who really want to make money fast are looking at this and i have many many ways
but im only telling u a few first of all my runescape username is cooley46307 im off and on mem so right now im not because im training
okay so add me if u want to work for me or if u want more info
1 . cut yews they sell for about maybe 450 gp for swordies and tuna , tuna sells for 150gp and swordies sell for 500gp make sure they are raw.
3. my favorite way ge buy low and sell high for example buy fire runes for low and sell for maximum it might take 24 hours but in 5 min of doing this u can make up to 400k if u put alot of money into it. for me i pay good for your skills and u can pick from my choices i might pay u from 10k to 400k
Hey, I am currently collecting accounts and transfering all of the wealth to my main. If anyone has any they would like to sell, please email me “”. High levels (70+) or any level account with more than 400k is accepted. I pay excellent prices! Any skill level 99 and I will double my price!
Here is a really good way to make money: Near castle wars there are hill giants, if you know where the hill giants are, go and kill them. their bones sell for 580gp EACH! and they commonly drop limpwurt roots that sell for 2.4k each. If you are very lucky they will drop a grimy herb that are sometimes 3k or 5k grimy ranarrs are 12k each! after you have a full inventory go to the castle wars bank and deposit your bones, herbs ect… usually inventorys are 20k each but if you got lucky drops it can be up to 40k!!! keep repeating this and you will become rich in no time. Note: The higher lvl you are the faster you can do this because you can kill the giants faster.
Hey, Im a member and i found some pretty good ways to make some money. If your a member go to Camelot and make sure you have a Noose. Go north to the Rock Crabs near he Fremrick(sp) trials and follow the small piece of land surrounded by water. Go up the stairs and hunt Polar Kebbits. When you find one, drop the fur and bury the bones. When you get a full inv of Kebbit fur sell them in the G.E. for 78k!
Now for non-members:
This is harder for you guys. I was not a member until i was lvl 59 combat with high fishing and w\c (woodcutting). Fishing and w\c are the only 2 main ways for Non-members to get money the fastest. First Fishing: The main thing here is train, train, train, train until you get 40 fishing. It actually shouldnt be too hard. Should be able to get it in a couple of hours. Then go to Karamja(SP) Island and take your lobster pot to the docks and fish Lobsters. Keep fishing lobsters until about lvl 60-65 then get a harpoon and fish swordies. The closest bank is in Drayner Village so you’d have to take the bad back and forth if you wanna bank them. Or you could sell in the General Store in Karamja.
Same as Fishing. Train, train, train, train until you get to lvl 60. Yes i said lvl 60! It may sound hard but its worth it. Yews are very good money makers for F2P (Free to Play). Every tree that you chop down. Bank it. And once you get to lvl 60. use your Rune Axe to chop away at the Yew trees by the G.E. There may be people there and you may not actually get many logs fast untill about 65-70 w\c but it is good money for F2P.
If you need any help let me know.
Sousa Man3
lol i no how to make money? first.kill green dragons 5 kbd(clan). 6 crop beast (clan).kalp… queen(clan).now 4 some skills farming rannar snapdragon , … fishing sharks monks salmons wc yews maples magics.and ..
hi im a mem and im lvl 132(mem) 121(free) but i do different thing to make money cuz i get bored with 1 thing but i would say big bones for a free person and oak plank running for a mem it’s like 5k in 120sec’s i aslo make money from ankou drops
i am learning new ways to make money and i truely believe that merching is for noobs i never merched in my life and i have less then 12mil i might go fishing is another good way i have lvl 93 fishing. good luck people
i spelled method wrong (sry)
money making can be done many ways. I usually have 2 goals when i play: money, and increasing level. Im not the highest level or richest person (lev 80 combat and about 5m), but i know some good ways to make money (im only ganna post non member stuff)
when you start out, good money is cows or chicken killing. sell the hides and the feathers at GE. if you want extra money, instead of burying the bones sell them. higher levels can attack better creatures like hill giants, moss giants, ect.
another meathod is using skill. the most profitable i found is fishing/cooking, woodcutting (not so much anymore after GE, but still good at high levels), smithing, runecrafting, and mining. these require patience and some time, but once you get high levels you can do alot.
another major way is merchanting. this is mostly buying low and selling high. back before the GE willows were worth as much as people would pay for them. members would buy them for 30 each (because of fletching), but they wouldnt be on very much. what i did was make some member friends that would buy for that and i became the middle man, buying for 20 each, selling for 30. it worked great till GE, but now you can use the GE as an instant trade zone, increasing the speed of merchanting, but limiting profet.
right now in merchanting, look for times to buy low, sell high. you can buy weapons low and high cause it has a big market. currently water runes are way over priced in ge and you can make a quick 6k (like 3 minutes) buy buying all the water runes in the mage shop in falador and selling at GE for about double what you payed.
dont give up, good luck, and find the meathod that works best for you
I need money!!!