Reddit has a really cool feature where people can indicate certain information they’re sharing is a spoiler. The result is that it’s covered by a black box and unreadable unless the cursor is moved over that specific region of the page. Very nice! How can I do that on my own Web pages?
Hi Dave! I just got a Samsung Galaxy A15 smartphone and I love it. The only problem is that the wallpaper is horrible and all the best cost money that I don’t have. Is there a way to change the wallpaper without buying new images? Thanks!
All the pieces ahve been a part of the Apple ecosystem for years, and finally Apple has introduced a new app and service called “Invites” that lets you create beautiful party invitations. You can limit attendance, track RSVPs, even create a shared playlist or photo album, all from your iPhone! Here’s how to get started…
It might have been years in the making but LinkedIn finally has a built-in tool that allows you to schedule posts in the future. You can bump it an hour or two if you’re up early, or schedule it days, or even weeks in the future. Here’s how…
Do you feel the stress build up as you work on your computer, hour after hour? Stuck in a Web browser, doomscrolling and feeling the pressure of all those unchceked to-do items on your daily list? Turns out that there’s now a Web browser that can help you relax and destress. Better yet, it’s beautiful too. It’s Opera Air.
Question for you: I’ve been on Reddit for a while, but still don’t get the point of “flair”. What is it, how can I use it, and why should I bother? Sign me u/skeptical
I have a popular YouTube channel where I post funny videos about the squirrels in my neighborhood. It gets lots of views, which is great, but I also get comments in languages I don’t understand. What’s my best approach to these?
Dave, I love my Chromebook but find that it’s hard to fit multiple windows on its small screen. A friend was showing me how Windows has a split screen feature and I’m wondering if ChromeOS has something similar I can enable?
You’ve probably been using your Mac system for quite a while, but do you know how to customize what’s on your Menu Bar along the top? Here’s a primer with everything you need to know so you can customize it perfectly.
I’ve written about how to play quite a few different puzzle games from the New York Times, including Strands, one of my favorites. Yesterday I tried “Tiles” for the first time and quite enjoyed it. Here’s how it works and how to get a good score…