I’d like to add a few Twitter search links to my Web site. Is that possible, or does Twitter prohibit this sort of thing?
I’d like to add a few Twitter search links to my Web site. Is that possible, or does Twitter prohibit this sort of thing?
I have some mp3 audio files I’ve recorded and would like to have people who visit my site be able to listen to the audio without popping up new windows or having to download the files. Is there some easy way to accomplish this?
I see that you’ve written a helpful tutorial on how to add a Google search box to your Web site, Dave, but have you ever written something similar for Microsoft Bing? If not, can I entreat you to write one for me? Just not a big Google fan…
I have some clients that I need to bill on a monthly basis and it’d be terrific if I could use Paypal for this purpose. From what I can tell, however, you need a premium account to do so. Is there any way around it? I can create “subscribe” buttons for my site, but I’d like something a bit more graceful and professional…
I’ve become a huge Pinterest fan – thanks to you for introducing me to the site! — and would love to put a Pinterest search engine on my own blog site. Can you share the code I’d need for this? I’m fine with it opening up a new window, by the way, just want the search box itself on my page.
I really like the set of social media buttons you have on the pages of your AskDaveTaylor site, Dave. What are they, and how did you add them to your site? In particular, a lot of the ones I’ve looked at have uninteresting sites like Delicious and Reddit, but don’t yet support the new Google Plus “+1” button, so yours is really slick. What’s the story?
I have a question regarding traffic source tracking w/o the help of web analytics code. I would like to identify visitors that have directly accessed my website (i.e. typed the URL directly into the address bar) and to reward them with a voucher (basically an HTML or a PDF page they can print out). Do you know of any method (whether PHP, JavaScript or otherwise) that would isolate direct visitors from the ones coming via Search Engine or referrer?
I notice that you often add borders around words and box important phrases on your blog, Dave. Do you turn these into graphics or are you using CSS to accomplish it?