A Solaris 9 for Dummies reader asks the following question:
“I just read your book and was sad to see that you didn’t cover PPPD in too much depth. I read the links from SUN that you offered and didn’t find that much useful for my needs. Do you have PPPD experience? I have DSL but want to use my Sparc 5 for dial-up only just to play around on my web server. I am having a problem with the pap-secrets file and wondered if you had experience with that too?”
First off, thanks for asking this question. I can distinctly recall having a discussion with the editorial team about how much coverage we should give PPP and other dialup/modem topics. Since our emphasis with the book is on user-level content, we opted to have a snippet rather than a more in-depth treatment.
I dug around a bit more for information and came across a most interesting site at Sun called Playground.sun.com. Specifically, go to their PPPD troubleshooting page and I think you’ll find oodles of information on how to configure things for your system. If that doesn’t work, another useful spot is Stokely Consulting…