Tired of every site you visit being tracked and recorded by your Internet Service Provider? Unsure whether that public Wi-Fi network is free of hackers? You need a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Here’s how to get started with NordVPN…
Tired of every site you visit being tracked and recorded by your Internet Service Provider? Unsure whether that public Wi-Fi network is free of hackers? You need a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Here’s how to get started with NordVPN…
I’ve been using Dropbox for cloud storage and sharing forever. Now that I’ve moved to a Mac system, how can I easily add and delete synchronized folders to keep everything in sync? Running the latest MacOS on an iMac if that makes a difference…
Dave, I was checking out your tutorial on how to check for updates on my Chromebook, but things have changed! Where’s the “Library” button in the new redesign of the Google Play Store for ChromeOS? Thanks.
If the Dock on your MacBook, MacBook Air, or iMac just has a bunch of app icons, you’re missing out on a powerful feature: Folders! Drag a folder onto your Dock and it’ll change how you navigate your system. Here’s how to get started…
Hi Dave. I saw that a few weeks ago you wrote about how to use an iPhone as a wifi hotspot but I’m an Android person. Can I use my Pixel phone as an Internet hotspot too?
If you’ve dabbled in the world of AI chat utilities, whether ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Perplexity, or Microsoft Copilot, you’ve likely been underwhelmed by the results. Thing of it is, this might actually be your fault. Turns out that these tools work best with very specific types of prompts and queries…
I’m going crazy! My Windows PC keeps dimming the screen, then brightening it again, even though I’m not touching the brightness control! What’s going on and how do I stop it so I can set a brightness level and have it stick?
Dave, I’m confused about how people on Reddit have rich formatting in their posts. Also, how do they mark “spoilers” so you have to click on them to reveal the information? Any help would be great, I’m a noob at Redditting from my PC.