Dave, I’m contemplating signing with an agent to represent me on some book projects I’d like to pursue and am wondering if you have any sage advice on what to look for in an agency contract and what kind of terms are fair and reasonable?
Dave, I’m contemplating signing with an agent to represent me on some book projects I’d like to pursue and am wondering if you have any sage advice on what to look for in an agency contract and what kind of terms are fair and reasonable?
Dave, where can I find the PERCENTAGE breakdown on the average of what it costs a Publisher to print and distribute hardcover and softcover books. In other words, I am looking for how their broken down overhead costs out in percentage form, based on the total end bookstand price of the book?
And failing that, at least, approximately what percentage of the hardcover and softcover book does printing, shipping, and distribution amount to?
And last, what percentage range of the end bookstand price does the publisher normally pocket for its own share of the take?
Dave, I’m interested in writing a technical book and have found that there are two basic reactions people have when I tell them this: they either run in horror or laugh a peculiar, Exorcist sort of laugh then just walk away, shaking their head. Be that as it may, I really think I have something to say and have come to ask you what pitfalls may lurk for a new, naive writer?
So Dave — I’m a startup publisher. I’ve read what you have here and it’s all from the author’s perspective. Can you tell me what you think makes a good contract from a publisher’s point of view??
Dave, I heard that your book Wicked Cool Shell Scripts won some sort of award or the other? Do tell, what’s the story with that?
Dave, I just got a contract for a book from a publisher that I haven’t worked with before. These long, tedious legal documents just befuddle me, however! Would you mind spinning through this and seeing what you think about the terms and clauses herein?
Dave, I see some sites with and some sites without a copyright line. Do you know if someone must follow an official process before adding this line? Such as (C) 2002-2004 by Dave Taylor, etc…
Dave, I’m preparing a proposal for a book about a promising new
Open Source technology, and would like to get suggestions for a suitable publisher. How do you identify a possible publisher for a new book, and then how do you approach them with an actual book project?