I installed Ubuntu Linux on an old PC and it’s working great, but I keep running out of disk space. What’s my best move to try and slow down the disk usage creep I’m experiencing? Running the latest LTS version of Ubuntu, if that matters.
I installed Ubuntu Linux on an old PC and it’s working great, but I keep running out of disk space. What’s my best move to try and slow down the disk usage creep I’m experiencing? Running the latest LTS version of Ubuntu, if that matters.
I have an account on my friend’s Ubuntu Linux system which is great, but the account icon at login is just my initials. Boring. How can I assign a photo or picture to my account photo?
I’ve got Ubuntu Linux running on one of my old PC computers and don’t log in very often. When I do, how can I update Firefox to ensure it’s the latest version?
I’ve been running Ubuntu Linux for a while and find that it randomly pops up a window with available updates. Just read about a “sudo” vulnerability and want to force an update now. How can i do that??
I’m trying to really focus on Ubuntu Linux and have a good sense of how to get most things done. Except I can’t figure out how to resize photos for posting to social media. How can I resize a graphic or photo in Linux?
I’ve moved away from Mac and Windows and am now happily running Ubuntu Linux. Does that mean I’m now unable to listen to Spotify on my computer?
How the heck do you figure out how much disk space you have available on an Ubuntu Linux computer?
I switched my Web browser in the latest Ubuntu Linux distro to Chrome, but now want to switch back to Firefox. How can I switch the default browser?