I don’t know what to do, Dave. I got a message on Facebook that my business page has violated some Facebook policy and that it’s going to be shut down if I don’t confirm that I’m the page owner. But it doesn’t say how to do that! Can you help out?
I don’t know what to do, Dave. I got a message on Facebook that my business page has violated some Facebook policy and that it’s going to be shut down if I don’t confirm that I’m the page owner. But it doesn’t say how to do that! Can you help out?
I got a notification on Facebook from the privacy policy team that my page has been reported. Now I have to verify ownership of the page? Can you confirm this is legit?
I’m confused. I got a text message from Facebook saying that my last post was reported by someone and that I need to “verify my membership”. Except it’s not taking me to Facebook’s Web site. What’s going on, and is this a scam?
I got a text message from Facebook over the weekend, Dave, and it warns me that there’s a policy violation on my account and that I need to confirm my account information. What the heck? Is it legit?