I can’t count the number of times I’ve been trying to log in to a local wi-fi network, just to find that every available network is either locked down or requires me to pay for a day of access. And the chief company that manages these hotspots is Boingo. You’ve probably bumped into them at an airport or other public place too, and while you might be able to take a deep breath and be okay with not being online, but what about your kids?
Enter Boingo’s Wi-Finder app, available for all Android devices through the slick Amazon Underground.
Amazon Underground? I can already hear you muttering “what the heck are you talking about?”
Turns out that Amazon has its own Android app store that’s completely separate from Google Play, an app store chock full of free (yes, free) apps, games, utilities, and more, and it’s all easily downloaded and installed from this link: Download Amazon Underground.
Once you’ve got that, search for “Wi-Finder” from Boingo and you’ll be ready to go with the Boingo wifi network. And did I mention that if you sign up, you’ll get six months of free access to any of their over one million hotspots? Have you realized how beneficial that can be with your children’s Android devices too?
I created a video talking about exactly how this all works:
You can learn more about Boingo by checking out their Web site, and you can get yourself a copy of Amazon Underground by going to the secret download page!
Disclosure: I worked directly with Boingo to produce this video and blog post.
You said the WiFi was free for six months, what happens after that?