A reader writes:
Every *nix implementation is different. But I’m seeing some some shared behavior between HPUX and Solaris with script #52 Killing Processes by Name. The problem is that the script is trying to kill the “tty” name, instead of the pid.
Wish I understood the following line better so I could make it grab the right columns. :-\
pids=$(ps cu -U $user | awk “/ $1$/ { print \$2 }”)
Let’s tackle this backwards, shall we?
The last line assigns the result of the shell escaped ps | awk pipe to a shell variable called “pids” (this is indicated by the $( and ) pair).
Within the shell, the ps command lists all processes, with the two flags ‘c’ and ‘u’, which change the command name to be just the executable name, and display useful information too, and the ‘-U user‘ flag limits results to just the specified user (in case more than one user has processes running on the tty device).
The output is expected to look like this:
$ ps -cu -U taylor USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND taylor 222 4.3 -3.9 329032 81652 ?? Ss Thu08PM 108:00.19 WindowServer taylor 1760 3.3 -0.4 202792 8792 ?? R 10:09AM 0:09.09 Terminal taylor 1162 1.0 -1.2 269288 25800 ?? S Sat08AM 29:42.57 iChat taylor 714 0.4 -1.3 242220 27564 ?? S Fri08AM 23:57.56 iTunes taylor 287 0.0 -0.6 208284 13468 ?? S Thu08PM 1:53.66 Dock
(this is a subset of the output)
Now you can see that if we search for a specific pattern, we’ll match all lines that are associated with a specific process name. This could be done with grep, but using awk is useful because we can then control which of the output fields is listed too (we only want the PID, field #2). That’s what the second part of the pipe does.
The problem you’re seeing is that your version of Unix isn’t returning the same results for the ps -cu -Uuser command. That being the case, you’re probably seeing output like this:
PID TTY TIME COMMAND 10361 ttyrb 0:00 sleep
In which case you’ll want to change the second part of the awk statement to extract the first field not the second (since the PID is in field one now). It would look like this:
pids=$(ps cu -U $user | awk "/ $1$/ { print \$1 }")
Try that and see if you have better results!
That should be easy. Something like this
for matchingline in $(grep “11_15” inputfile)
field1=$(echo $matchingline | cut -f1)
I have a file that looks like
161 16385 11_15
161 16388 11_15
161 16393 11_15
161 16399 11_15
159 94306 3_13
159 94308 3_13
159 94310 3_13
How do I extract first two columns based on the third column (all columns with 11_15), so forth?
An interesting question. Sounds like you need two ‘grep’ commands in a row. Here’s what “who” looks like:
$ who
dtint ttyp2 Dec 20 01:23 (
dtint ttyp3 Dec 22 14:44 (
So the first step would be to map the IP address to the tty device. Let’s say I was interested in the first login… so I could do something like this:
tty=”$(who | grep | head -1 | awk ‘{print $2}’)”
now I have in the ‘tty’ variable the device name. The next step is to simply feed that to the ps command, utilizing the “-t” flag. Well, not quite, because ‘who’ returns ‘ttyp2″, but we actually want “p2” for the “ps” command, so we’d need a slight tweak:
tty=”$(echo $tty | sed ‘s/tty//’)”
now we’re ready:
ps -t $tty
The rest I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader.:-)
check the output of “who”. Now how will you kill all the processes by specific IP Address of a specific user.